Our Swords


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41 products

Save €60,00
Broken off spear of Leonidas / Alexios made of metal-Assassin's Creed OdysseyBroken off spear of Leonidas / Alexios made of metal-Assassin's Creed Odyssey
Save €5,00
Axe Steel Blatt (CW-K121-1)Axe Steel Blatt (CW-K121-1)
Axe Steel Blatt (CW-K121-1) Sale price€24,99 Regular price€29,99
Save €5,00
Axt - Stahlklinge (CW-K121-3)Axt - Stahlklinge (CW-K121-3)
Axt - Stahlklinge (CW-K121-3) Sale price€24,99 Regular price€29,99
Save €30,00
Blackfield Tactical Axe Survival Axe with Integrated Compass and Survival KitBlackfield Tactical Axe Survival Axe with Integrated Compass and Survival Kit
Save €35,00
Blade Daywalker Sword - Blade (pre-order)Blade Daywalker Sword - Blade (pre-order)
Blade Daywalker Sword - Blade (pre-order) Sale price€64,99 Regular price€99,99
Save €10,00
Das Bokken Katana zum Trainieren. Das Bokken hat eine Traditionelle Wicklung am Griff und ist zudem mit einem extra Tsuba ausgerüstet, welchen man selbst abnehmen kann. Außerdem sind auf der Holzklinge verschiedene Japanische Symbole.Bokken Katana Daito
Bokken Katana Daito Sale price€24,99 Regular price€34,99
Save €40,00
Daggers of Legolas - Lord of the Rings (Pre-Order)Daggers of Legolas - Lord of the Rings (Pre-Order)
Daggers of Legolas - Lord of the Rings (Pre-Order) Sale price€129,99 Regular price€169,99
Save €15,00
Dragon katanaDragon katana
Dragon katana Sale price€39,99 Regular price€54,99
Save €17,00
Giyu Tomioka's Katana with Bamboo Blade-Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No YaibaGiyu Tomioka's Katana with Bamboo Blade-Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba
Save €50,00
Handgeschmiedetes practical Longquan SchwertHandgeschmiedetes practical Longquan Schwert
Handgeschmiedetes practical Longquan Schwert Sale price€399,99 Regular price€449,99
Save €40,00
John Lee Ninja Iaito - (Ready to fight and hand forged)John Lee Ninja Iaito - (Ready to fight and hand forged)
John Lee
John Lee Ninja Iaito - (Ready to fight and hand forged) Sale price€219,99 Regular price€259,99
Save €5,00
Das Katana in rot mit dem Japanischen Himmelssiegel auch Tomoe genannt. Das Symbol ist dem Japanischen Gott des Krieges Hachiman gewidmet. Außerdem gehört das Katana zu den Traditionellen Waffen der Japaner und ist zudem auch aufgrund der Strucktur leicht zu erkennen.Katana in red with the seal of heaven (tomoe)
Katana in red with the seal of heaven (tomoe) Sale price€59,99 Regular price€64,99
Save €30,00
Katana in white with dragon patternKatana in white with dragon pattern
Katana in white with dragon pattern Sale price€39,99 Regular price€69,99
Save €20,00
Kenpachi Zaraki Nozarashi Katana with battle marks-BleachKenpachi Zaraki Nozarashi Katana with battle marks-Bleach
Die Klauen von Wolverine aus X-MenClaws of Wolverine - X-Men
Save €5,00
Legolas Dagger - Hobbit / Lord of the RingsLegolas Dagger - Hobbit / Lord of the Rings
Legolas Dagger - Hobbit / Lord of the Rings Sale price€24,99 Regular price€29,99
Save €25,00
Leonidas Sword Sparta (Brown) - 300Leonidas Sword Sparta (Brown) - 300
Leonidas Sword Sparta (Brown) - 300 Sale price€39,99 Regular price€64,99
Save €15,00
Leonidas Sword Sparta - 300Leonidas Sword Sparta - 300
Leonidas Sword Sparta - 300 Sale price€49,99 Regular price€64,99
Save €15,00
Liz's Sword-The Seven Deadly SinsLiz's Sword-The Seven Deadly Sins
Liz's Sword-The Seven Deadly Sins Sale price€64,99 Regular price€79,99
Save €5,00
Makomos Fuchsmaske - Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No YaibaMakomos Fuchsmaske - Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba
Makomos Fuchsmaske - Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Sale price€24,99 Regular price€29,99
Save €20,00
Melioda's Broken Sword - Seven Deadly SinsMelioda's Broken Sword - Seven Deadly Sins
Melioda's Broken Sword - Seven Deadly Sins Sale price€39,99 Regular price€59,99
Mizuyama gift voucher
Mizuyama gift voucher Sale priceFrom €1,00
Save €20,00
Momo Hinamori's Zanpakuto (Tobiume) - BleachMomo Hinamori's Zanpakuto (Tobiume) - Bleach
Momo Hinamori's Zanpakuto (Tobiume) - Bleach Sale price€39,99 Regular price€59,99
Save €5,00
2B die Hauptfigur aus dem Spiel NieR: Automata besitzt dieses Schwert und nutzt dieses zum bekämpfen der außerirdischen Maschinen. 2B´s Charaktereigenschaften sind Ruhe und Gelassenheit. In der NieR Automata Welt haben sich die überlebenden Menschen auf den Mond zurückgezogen, während Krieger wie 2B den Kampf gegen die Maschinen nicht aufgeben und alles tun um zu gewinnen.Nier Automata YoRHa No.2 Type B (2B) Katana
Haller Stahlwaren
Nier Automata YoRHa No.2 Type B (2B) Katana Sale price€99,99 Regular price€104,99
Save €15,00
Ninjato in blackNinjato in black
Ninjato in black Sale price€54,99 Regular price€69,99
Save €50,00
Practical Hand-Forged Longquan Sword with Wolf's Head (Black)Practical Hand-Forged Longquan Sword with Wolf's Head (Black)
Save €50,00
Practical hand-forged Longquan sword with wolf's head (silver)Practical hand-forged Longquan sword with wolf's head (silver)
Save €20,00
Robust outdoor ax with transport protection and non-slip handle-Ideal for Camping & SurvivalRobust outdoor ax with transport protection and non-slip handle-Ideal for Camping & Survival
Save €35,00
Back Sword "Crimson Blade"-Red wrapped with blue/black coated blade-Incl.  Nylon sheath with carrying strapBack Sword "Crimson Blade"-Red wrapped with blue/black coated blade-Incl.  Nylon sheath with carrying strap
Save €20,00
Schattenschwert-Set: Rückenschwert mit DolchenSchattenschwert-Set: Rückenschwert mit Dolchen
Save €25,00
Sword of the Dwarves - Lord of the Rings/HobbitSword of the Dwarves - Lord of the Rings/Hobbit
Sword of the Dwarves - Lord of the Rings/Hobbit Sale price€44,99 Regular price€69,99
Save €40,00
Smith & Wesson Outback Kukri - Robust bush knife with safe grip and nylon sheathSmith & Wesson Outback Kukri - Robust bush knife with safe grip and nylon sheath
Save €5,00
Survival Combat Knife (420 Stainless Steel)Survival Combat Knife (420 Stainless Steel)
Haller Stahlwaren
Survival Combat Knife (420 Stainless Steel) Sale price€44,99 Regular price€49,99
Save €60,00
Tengen Uzui's Doppelschwerter - Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no YaibaTengen Uzui's Doppelschwerter - Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba
Save €15,00
Uduki Aratas Katana - TsukiutaUduki Aratas Katana - Tsukiuta
Uduki Aratas Katana - Tsukiuta Sale price€64,99 Regular price€79,99
Riddicks Ulaks sind gebogene Messer welche er im Kampf immer verwendet. Diese Miniatur Version sind perfekt geeignet um als Brieföffner verwendet zu werden. Die Krallen werden von Riddick im Nahkampf verwendetUlaks Riddick Sabre Claws Brieföffner - The Chronicles of Riddick
Throwing knife set 12 pieces (4 blue/ 4 green/4 red)Throwing knife set 12 pieces (4 blue/ 4 green/4 red)
Throwing knife set 12 pieces (6 black/6 silver)
Save €27,00
Virgil's Yamato Katana - Devil May Cry (Pre-Order)Virgil's Yamato Katana - Devil May Cry (Pre-Order)
Virgil's Yamato Katana - Devil May Cry (Pre-Order) Sale price€32,99 Regular price€59,99
Save €25,00
Zombie Dead Machete Sawtooth 420 Stainless Steel Blade Rubberized Handle Mating Including Nylon SheathZombie Dead Machete Sawtooth 420 Stainless Steel Blade Rubberized Handle Mating Including Nylon Sheath
Save €25,00
Zombie Dead Machete Survival Tool With 460mm Blade Stainless Steel Rubber Handle And Nylon SheathZombie Dead Machete Survival Tool With 460mm Blade Stainless Steel Rubber Handle And Nylon Sheath